Don’t be fooled by imposters!

We would like to announce to all of our valued and loyal customers who have been calling recently that unless you see the “Trempherbe” label on a container of cheese, it is not a product which we produce. There have been some similar looking products to ours appearing on supermarket shelves and they may even indicate that they are “Made in Maine”; however it is not anything which we produce if it doesn’t have the original “Trempherbe” labeling. We do not private label for anyone; we only produce our own 100% fresh, all natural cheese with our own ingredients for the flavors offered.

If you are having trouble finding our cheeses, please give us a call and we will be happy to direct you towards a retailer in your area who carries our cheeses!

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Incorrect Nutrition Info Found Posted Online

As has been reported in main stream media in recent months, the internet is becoming a source for much misinformation on many subjects. Trempherbe has for an unknown reason become the target of many “health food” internet nutritional reporting sites. Unfortunately, we are finding that many of these sites have incorrect data on our nutritional information which has been listed by unreliable third party “members” of these sites.

This is not only potentially damaging to the fine reputation of the product in question, but it might well be a safety hazard to those consumers who rely in this information, or simply it might cause someone to skip over a very excellent product due to thinking it is not a good fit for their fitness and health lifestyle.

As such, we will be adding a page on this website with the correct nutritional values for all of our cheeses very shortly. Anyone wishing to read about this information should only depend on those values posted either on this site when it is posted shortly or from our actual labels on our containers which meet all USDA and FDA legal requirements.

Any information found on the internet which is not published by Beryl Marton & Co. should not be relied upon.

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New Recipes Section

We are adding a new recipe idea page to allow great ways of using our cheese as sent in from our customers to be read by everyone. The first will be the use of our Pesto Sundried Tomato Trempherbe in a pasta dish as sent to us from a Whole Foods Market Specialty Team member as he makes at home for a quick, full flavored dinner.

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